
Momology 101

Kids will be kids.

When I was a little girl I wanted five girls. Yes, that's right, five girls. I even had names picked out for each of them. (I can still remember each name) Not once did I ever think about having a boy. It just never crossed my mind. I just knew I would have a house full of girls. That my hubby would be the one outnumbered.

Now that I'm a mom of three boys, I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a girl. Oh, yes, I still dream of having a girl. And we did try twice for a girl, but honestly, I'm a boys mom. I have friends that have girls. Have you heard the saying about how in every little girl, there's a full grown woman with attitude and all? (I'm paraphrasing it, I don't remember it word for word) From what I've seen of most little girls, that saying is spot on. Don't get me wrong, little boys are full of attitude too, it just seems to be a different type of attitude. Or maybe it's just that different things set it off.

What I find interesting is how men are more likely to be perceived as being aggressive and competitive and women are viewed as passive and cooperative. It's been my experience that girls tend to be meaner than boys. If a boy is mad at another boy, they might punch them in the arm, but then it's over. If a girl is mad at another girl, not only with she punch her in the arm, she'll kick her when she's down and then get all of her friends to do the same. I don't mean to hate on my own gender, but let's face it...the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" is much more accurate.

There's always been a bunch of hoopla over gender typing. And how girls are pushed toward one thing and boys toward another. Whether it be boys to math and science and girls to literature and art or boys to sports and girls to cooking, personally I think that it's all hoopla. The great thing about being human is that we're all different. We didn't come from a cookie cutter mold. If your girl wants to dig in the dirt and climb trees (I did both of these things), then let her. If your boy wants to bake and become a chef, awesome! Maybe he'll cook you dinner when he gets older.

Keep in mind, I'm not an expert. I'm just a mom.


Synopsis Update

I finished editing my story(this time). I went through and fixed some spacing issues and actually added some new aspects to the story. With edits done, my excuses to wait on starting my synopsis disappeared. (shoot!)

After much trepidation and hours of research, I wrote my synopsis. It felt a bit like writing a book report for school except, instead of working to get a grade for a class, I'm working to sell my book. No pressure. Nope. None at all. It's really difficult to condense my 100,000 + word story into just a few pages. What do I put in, what do I leave out? I mean, it's all important or I wouldn't have put it in the story in the first place, right?

Today I'm going to start researching agents. Well, I'm going to try. My kiddos are all home today due to flooding, so I'll be up and down every five minutes. I'll at least get the process started. I have to admit, I like rainy days and I love to have my boys home.

See ya next time!


Momology 101

Honesty is the best policy...right?

Kids are brutally honest.

If you ask a kid a question, make sure you really want to know the answer. Kids, in their innocence, will be completely honest with you. Sometimes they impart their honest opinions even when you don't want to hear it.

If you're wearing your favorite jeans that seem to be tighter, don't ask your five year old if they make your rear look big. He's going to say yes.

When you pass someone in the store that looks different in anyway, be prepared for your youngster to point and remark on it. Usually in a loud voice that carries throughout the whole store.

When your older child passes gas in the supermarket, their younger brother will always announce it to everyone near them.

Kids don't realize there are times when honesty isn't quite what someone wants to hear. In the innocence of youth they whole heartedly believe that honesty is the best policy, no matter what the situation. Kids don't yet have the ability to tell you what they think you want to hear.

So, remember this the next time you ask a kid a question. Do you really want to know the truth?


My Story - Part One

Every time I tell someone I'm writing a book, there are two things they almost always ask: 1. What kind of book is it? and 2. How did I come up with the idea?

It took me a long time to tell anyone I was writing a book. Mainly because I wasn't sure if I could actually finish it. Only once have I ever tried to write something other than a term paper. I was in fifth grade. I think I got three sentences down before giving it up and deciding I'm a reader not a writer.

The other reason it took me so long to admit to writing is that I'm writing paranormal/urban fantasy. Although my family is an awesome family, I grew up in the middle of the Bible Belt. Smack dab in the buckle of it. I just wasn't sure how my family would react to the fact that I'm writing about witches, vampyres and magical beings of all natures. So far, they've all been extremely supportive. :) And I have to admit, it's nice to share the journey with them.

I hesitate to tell you how I came up with my idea. Only because it's so similar to how others have come up with their story.

A dream. I had an extremely vivid dream.

I know, I know, it's so overdone...the whole I had a dream and wrote a book about it. *shrugs* But, I can't change where the idea came from. And in all honesty, the dream started it, but the story as evolved and changed so much that it bares very little resemblance to the dream I had.

Usually my dreams are half gone when I wake up and by the time I'm walking out the door they're so fuzzy, I'm not even sure what they were about to begin with. This dream though, it just stayed with me. I found myself wondering what would happen next and where it all started. When I told my hubby he immediately said write a book. Right. Sure. I'll do that. No, really. The idea of me writing a book was just so laughable. I had no idea how to even start writing a book.

Two day later I found myself sitting in front of the computer, staring at a blank Word document absolutely certain I'd gone mental to even attempt writing a book. I sat there with my hands resting on the key board for a good twenty minutes, trying to figure out where to start my story. I tried on and off for a few days before I realized I was trying to start with the wrong story. And just like that a light bulb went on and I knew where to start.

My story started off being a trilogy with my dream being the last book. As I got to know my characters better, they seemed to take over the story and lead it in a direction I hadn't foreseen. Pesky, head strong characters.

I've since given up trying to outline ahead of time. My characters lead the way and I just try to keep up.


Momology 101

Never say anything around your kids that you don't want them to know.

They will remember it forever.

No, it doesn't matter that they're watching their favorite show, or that they're playing a video game. As soon as you start talking about something you don't want them to hear, the only thing your kids are focused on is what you're saying.

Don't be fooled by the fact they're still doing those other activities. Oh no, I've come to realize that kids are the masters of deception. Cute little master criminals in disguise.

To steal a quote from one of my favorite HP characters(Alastor Moody)..."Constant Vigilance!"


Books and Such

I'm more than a little obsessed with books. I absolutely have to have a book to read.

Not only do I have to have a book that I'm reading I also must have at least two waiting for me. If I'm reading a series, all books of that series must be in the same form. They must match. It's just one of my little quirks.

The other day I was complaining to my mom that I'm in need of a new bookshelf. "Mine is overflowing and some of the shelves are starting to complain about all of the weight," I told her. To which she said, "Just get rid of some of them."

I know, right? My own mother. It's sad really. Doesn't she know, those books are my friends? How can I possibly choose which ones to say goodbye to? I know some of them are old and worn, but like my favorite shirt those are the most comfortable. Most of my books belong in a series, so if I get rid of one, my series would be incomplete. *shudder*

No, no I just can't get rid of them...that's just not an option. So, my shelves will just have to groan about the weight and my hubby will just have to find a place for a new book shelf.

Ok, let me step off of my squawk box. I think I've got it all out of my system.



I'll never complain that my life isn't exciting again.

After posting my blog yesterday I just about sliced the tip of my finger off while trying to get an avocado seed out. If the knife had been a little sharper and my finger turned a little differently, I'm sure I would have hit bone. I would post a picture, but it doesn't look like much. Just a nice clean slice. If I hadn't been fighting to stay conscious I would have taken a pic last night with all the blood. It would have been much more impressive.

I never knew I was so squeamish. It's just blood, right? I think I would have been alright if I could have just gotten the stupid band aid on. It's harder than you might think to put a band aid on one handed while trying not to faint. Things move when they're not supposed to, the room blurs...the band aid tends to stick to everything but what you want it to. *sigh*

So, lesson learned. No more complaining from me. I'll take my life without the excitement of sliced fingers thank you very much.



How do all you bloggers do it? How do you find the time to do this every day or even every week?

I stressed out for two days about what my post would be this week. Honestly, my life just isn't that exciting. Busy...not boring, but not what I would classify as exciting. Then I got caught up in the daily trials that make up my life and before I could spend more time stressing out, it's Tuesday and I don't have a post ready.

Well, shoot.

Really. How do you guys do it?

I'm a stay-at-home mom so I don't even have the excuse of not being near the computer because I'm on the computer often. Five minutes here, five minutes there. Checking my email, getting sucked into Facebook, reading a few blogs, but when I'm sitting here I feel like I should be working on my mss. Either actually writing or doing research or doing some edits.

Well, my time is up. I have to go make dinner.

See how exciting my life is? You're jealous. I know you are. ;)

I'm just teasing. I really love my life!