
Momology 101

Kids will be kids.

When I was a little girl I wanted five girls. Yes, that's right, five girls. I even had names picked out for each of them. (I can still remember each name) Not once did I ever think about having a boy. It just never crossed my mind. I just knew I would have a house full of girls. That my hubby would be the one outnumbered.

Now that I'm a mom of three boys, I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a girl. Oh, yes, I still dream of having a girl. And we did try twice for a girl, but honestly, I'm a boys mom. I have friends that have girls. Have you heard the saying about how in every little girl, there's a full grown woman with attitude and all? (I'm paraphrasing it, I don't remember it word for word) From what I've seen of most little girls, that saying is spot on. Don't get me wrong, little boys are full of attitude too, it just seems to be a different type of attitude. Or maybe it's just that different things set it off.

What I find interesting is how men are more likely to be perceived as being aggressive and competitive and women are viewed as passive and cooperative. It's been my experience that girls tend to be meaner than boys. If a boy is mad at another boy, they might punch them in the arm, but then it's over. If a girl is mad at another girl, not only with she punch her in the arm, she'll kick her when she's down and then get all of her friends to do the same. I don't mean to hate on my own gender, but let's face it...the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" is much more accurate.

There's always been a bunch of hoopla over gender typing. And how girls are pushed toward one thing and boys toward another. Whether it be boys to math and science and girls to literature and art or boys to sports and girls to cooking, personally I think that it's all hoopla. The great thing about being human is that we're all different. We didn't come from a cookie cutter mold. If your girl wants to dig in the dirt and climb trees (I did both of these things), then let her. If your boy wants to bake and become a chef, awesome! Maybe he'll cook you dinner when he gets older.

Keep in mind, I'm not an expert. I'm just a mom.