

I'll never complain that my life isn't exciting again.

After posting my blog yesterday I just about sliced the tip of my finger off while trying to get an avocado seed out. If the knife had been a little sharper and my finger turned a little differently, I'm sure I would have hit bone. I would post a picture, but it doesn't look like much. Just a nice clean slice. If I hadn't been fighting to stay conscious I would have taken a pic last night with all the blood. It would have been much more impressive.

I never knew I was so squeamish. It's just blood, right? I think I would have been alright if I could have just gotten the stupid band aid on. It's harder than you might think to put a band aid on one handed while trying not to faint. Things move when they're not supposed to, the room blurs...the band aid tends to stick to everything but what you want it to. *sigh*

So, lesson learned. No more complaining from me. I'll take my life without the excitement of sliced fingers thank you very much.