
Birthdays and Rambling

I know, I know, I said I would post once a week and here it is the next day and I'm posting again. There are two reasons I'm posting.'s my middle son's birthday!! HAPPY SIXTH!! He woke up this morning
and was absolutely positively convinced that since he is now six, he is now taller and heavier. Hubby and I didn't try to convince him otherwise. It makes perfect six year old sense. He is now an entire year older, therefore, he is an entire year bigger. Right?!

He wanted a Sonic the Hedgehog party this year so I've spent the last few weeks scouring the internet for Sonic party supplies. I found a balloon. And that's it. I did happen to see icing sheets on ebay and luckily they did have a Sonic sheet. It worked amazingly! You bake the cake, frost it with buttercream (yum-oh) and then lay this thin sheet of
compressed frosting on top.I'm not the best with straight lines, but I think the cake came out pretty good! I thought I was saved. I had, after all produced the coveted Sonic Birthday Cake. But no. He informed me he wants cupcakes for his class...with Sonic cupcake toppers. So I reached inside and found my inner craftiness and came up with these.

I made them from Shrinky Dink sheets. Gotta love Shrinky Dinks!

I sent them with a key ring and a lanyard hook so the kids could use them as zipper pulls.

So, chalk one up for good ole mom!

They turned out better than I had expected.

The second reason I'm posting today is an email I got from my sister-n-law. Since I did actually start this blog to record my path to becoming a published author (crosses fingers) I thought I would share what my sis-n-law thought about my mss. She said she loved it, that she had to stay up late because she couldn't put it down and just had to finish it!

Keep in mind, I've never written anything before. I've never had the desire to put my day dreams down on paper, so when someone that I trust truly enjoys what I've's just...very cool! :D

I guess that's all of my random rambling for today!