In the past week three big icons of my childhood have passed on.
I'm not going to go into detail. It's been said every way a person can say it a thousand times over. If you want details just do an internet search.
Rest in peace Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.
Gone But Never Forgotten
Posted by Jennie at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson
Father's Day
My oldest son wanted to get hubby an Edible Arrangement for Father's Day. I was game. We love fruit. When I went to their website and got a look at the prices though, it was a little difficult to go through with it.
Will I get another one? Probably. After I quit coughing up a lung for this one. ;)
Posted by Jennie at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Edible Arrangements, Father's Day
Back Up, Back Up, Back Up
Our computer crashed. We couldn't even get the blue screen of death to come up.
When Hubby woke my up Saturday to let me know the bad news it took me a few minutes to really grasp what this meant. When it finally sunk in I started panicking. We do have an external back up drive, but my hubby doesn't really back up that often and I don't know how to do it.
My pictures, my video, my iTunes...all gone. All of the work I've done on my mss...gone. In shock I struggled not to completely freak out.
Hubby had backed up two months ago. So, I didn't lose everything. Just the last two months. That's still a lot of memories to lose. Luckily, I had backed up my mss just a week ago to my flash drive.
There are places you can send your drive to get the information extracted. Clean labs. It's not cheap.
If you don't have a way to back up your stuff, get one. If you have one, back up often.
Posted by Jennie at 9:30 AM 2 comments
Monday Word Of The Day
Our word today is humidity. Anyone living in the South knows all about humidity.
Humidity~a measure of the amount of moisture in the air
Hair is a pretty good way to measure how humid it is. As humidity increases hair becomes longer, giving it a frizzy look (bad hair day). As humidity decreases hair becomes shorter (good hair day).
I live where it's humid 90% of the time. Thank the Good Lord for hair products! ;)
Posted by Jennie at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: word of the day
Friday Mythology
My favorite places to research mythology. - for all cultures and religions - for the Greek - it's Wikipedia, it covers everything - covers a wide variety, very organized - for all things Egyptian - Viking knowledge
Happy researching!
Posted by Jennie at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: mythology
Momology 101
Privacy or Protection?
Can we protect our children and still give them the privacy they want? Notice I did not say need. Oh, sure we all prefer to have some privacy, but is it needed? Is it a right?
It astounds me when a parent has to be told to be aware of what their child is doing, who they are friends with, and where they go. That there is any doubt as to whether or not it's right to go into a child's room and "snoop".
My boys are all too young to have their own computers or cell phones. But when they do have those things, hubby and I will know exactly what web pages they've gone to, what text messages they're getting, and by golly who they're chatting with on both devices. If they have a problem with this, they can hand over the computer and cell phone.
Do I sound strict? I guess I am in some ways. My goal is to keep an open line of communication so there isn't an issue to begin with. I'm not naive, I know there will be some secrets. But I hope that when it comes to the big stuff, they'll come to me because they know they can.
It's my job as a mom to protect my children. From strangers and from themselves until they are old enough to protect themselves. I won't be doing my job if I don't check up on them. Isn't it our role to guide our children? To teach them what is right and wrong?
I ask you, how can we teach and protect if we are ignorant as to what our children are doing?
Posted by Jennie at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: momology
Monday Word Of The Day
~to make less severe or stringent
~to cast off social restraint, nervous tension, or anxiety
~to seek rest and recreation
Posted by Jennie at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: word of the day
Momology 101
~Edgar W. Howe
Summer break started today.
My boys are thrilled.
I am too.
When my boys get along it's awesome. If they would just get along for extended periods of time it would be heaven.
Our summer will be filled with pool hopping, reading, school work (that's right, we do school work in the summer), movies, and museums.
Posted by Jennie at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: momology
One of my favorite places to go is the Rose Garden.
You can find roses in every color imaginable here.
Just watch for the bees, they'll not thank you for sucking them up your nose. ;)
Posted by Jennie at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: flowers