
Do You Always Finish The Book You're Reading?

I usually do. Once I start reading a book, I'm committed. I have to finish it. Very rarely do I give up and put the book aside.

Last night I started a book and had to absolutely push myself to get to page 50. I put it down with thoughts of picking it back up this morning, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't make myself pick it up and read it. Setting it aside, I picked up the next book in my to read pile, promising myself I'll go back and read it. I won't though. It took me all day to work up to admitting that, but the truth is...the book was just that bad.

It's really disconcerting to give up on a book. Especially since, I've read other books by this author. I dug them out and instantly remembered how I had to push through them too. They were difficult to read, but the story was fast paced enough to keep me trying.

We've got an excellent book store that buys your used books and actually gives you money to purchase new books. It's amazing. I have a feeling my unfinished book will end up there.

How many chances do you give a book? How far into the book do you push before you throw in the towel?