
What's Next?

I've finished my novel. So what do I do next? I have to get a query package ready. What goes in a query package determines on the agent you're sending it to. Some want just a query. Some want a query and a synopsis. Some want a query, synopsis and sample pages. Some only except email while others will except only snail mail. Some have no preference how it gets there as long as you've followed their instructions as to what's in the package. While some, require you to fill out a form online. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it all. I can see I'm going to have to get organized.

The good news is that I've already finished my query. Actually, I have two versions to choose from. Now if I can just get my synopsis done. Thank goodness there are tons of examples and sites that explain how to write a synopsis on the net to help. Guess I should start that now.

See ya next time.